KETO Syrup Thai Tea 320 ml.

Want to drink something sweet but afraid of getting fat? Try this TEA!!! It's a concentrated syrup without sugar, made from sweet grass extract, which is as sweet as sugar (suitable for keto diet). Start enjoying your favorite drink and have a healthy lifestyle with this drink.

Product Benefits:

  1. Use to mix with beverages, desserts, and food to enhance flavor.
  2. Use as a sweetener instead of sugar.
  3. A healthy alternative for health-conscious people or dieters.

It comes in 15 flavors, as follows:

  1. Sweet grass
  2. Thai tea
  3. Cola
  4. Red water
  5. Green water
  6. Punch
  7. Orange
  8. Honey and lime
  9. Lemon-lime
  10. Korean yogurt
  11. Green tea
  12. Milk tea
  13. Brown sugar bubble tea
  14. Toffee caramel
  15. Caramel

Product Details:

  • A concentrated syrup without sugar that doesn't stimulate sugar cravings.
  • 0% calories
  • Uses sweet grass extract as a sweetener instead of sugar.
  • As sweet as sugar, up to 10 times sweeter.
  • Certified by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) or HALAL food standards.
  • One bottle can make up to 25-30 cups of drinks.

Key Ingredients:

  • Sweet grass extract 99.80%
  • Acid control agent 0.20%
  • Uses natural color and flavoring agents.

Net Volume: 320 ml./bottle

Storage Instructions:

  • Store in a cool, shady place, away from direct sunlight. Natural sediments may occur, but it doesn't affect the quality of the product.

Instructions for Use:

  • Mix with water, tea, soda, coffee, or milk.
  • Use as an ingredient to make desserts and food.


  • Syrup: 10-15 ml
  • Milk: 6 oz (almond milk, pistachio milk, other) in a 16 oz glass
  • Soda: 5 oz or water: 5 oz in a 16 oz glass

Shelf life: 12 Month

370.00 gram

Contact Us

TEA Corporation Co., Ltd.

Professional Boba Tea One-Stop Solution

For those interested in our products or services, you can contact us through various channels of the company. We also welcome distributorship applications both domestically and internationally. Whether you want to open a beverage shop, establish your own brand, or purchase a franchise from us, we are fully prepared to provide you with exceptional service.

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